Jordan James KayeBio

Jordan James Kaye is a multifaceted visual artist based in Naarm/Melbourne.

His artistic practice is an experimental mergence of analog film, sculpture, installation and performance. 

His artworks are informed by his poetic response to the human encounter of our world, seeded by a desire to unveil threads to the fabric of his personal experience. 

He realises works that are technically complex, driven by pure compulsion, that vibrate and encourage immersion in deep reflection.

My artistic practice is beginning to set in foundations that have been brewing within micro-cosms of ideas explored in expanded cinema live film performance and sculpture installation.

I explore and participate in experimental film in it’s essence yet there lays a deep desire to break free of traditional modalities of the audiences participation of my ‘film work’ - the desire seeps to the surface of the foundational backbone of cinema and the beholders experience of it. 
I make films. 
I make film sculptures of my films. 
I make live performance of my films. 
I make sound on films. 
I make sound from films.
I make sculptures as vessels for my films. 
I make films in the most tangible way I know. 
I make films from reverse engineering, for fun. 
I make films to break them to their most material form to remind myself of the tangibility of life. 
I make films to make sculpture to make performance, to ask myself questions and to project that onto an audience. 
I showcase films with the respect that the materiality and structural nodes of analog film deserve and catapult them into the physical reality we exist. 

I deeply ask of myself to escape established constructs to set my films free, selfishly as a priority and un selfishly so they can live freely in a public domain.

Curriculum Vitae


    (MAR) The Battery Of Inquest (16mm Expanded Cinema showcase),
              It Has Me By The Throat And I Am The Fingerprint  (16mm Film showing)  
Baltic Analog Lab, Riga, Latvia    

    (MAR) Amygdala Oxytocin (16mm Expanded Cinema Performance),
Topspace, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
    (MAR) FILM ~ AS SCULPTURE (16mm Film Sculpture Exhibition), 
Work In Process Gallery, Melbourne, Australia

    (NOV) Analysis Paralysis (16mm Film and Film Sculpture showcase), 
Rooftop, Melbourne, Australia

    (AUG) When The Gloss Comes Off, (Exhibition) 
Boomtown, Castlemaine, Australia

    Resident Alien (Exhibtion)
Neon Parlour, Melbourne, Australia



    (JANUARY 28-MARCH 30) Baltic Analog Lab, Riga, Latvia


    (FEB-MARCH) Topspace, Blackmans Bay, Tasmania


(JUN) Material Matters 03 (Film Sculpture), Beta STH BNK, Melbourne, Australia
   (JUL) Analysis Paralysis (16mm), Artists Film Workshop, Northern Arts Hotel,          Castlemaine, Australia


    (OCT) Craft Contemporary Satellite Exhibition (Film Sculpture), Beta STH BNK, Melbourne, Australia
    (OCT) Material Matters 02 (Film Sculpture), Beta STH BNK, Melbourne, Australia
    (SEP) Material Matters 01 (Film Sculpture), Beta STH BNK, Melbourne, Australia
    (AUG) Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (16mm), Weimar, Germany
    (JUN) Zero Pixel Festival (16mm), Topspace, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
    (MAY) Carte Blanche - 10x Melbourne (16mm), La Lumière Collective, Montreal, Canada
    (MAY) Expanded Cinema hosted by Dogmilk (16mm), Miscellania, Melbourne, Australia
    (MAY) Pleasure Planet - Hysteria w/ Thick Owens (Live Projection), Miscellania, Melbourne, Australia
    (FEB) Embodied Knowing (16mm), ACMI (Australian Centre of Moving Image), Melbourne, Australia
    (FEB) Recomposing Decomposition (16mm), Workshop For Potential Cinema, Sydney, Australia
    (FEB) Recomposing Decomposition (16mm), Canberra, Australia

    (DEC) Recomposing Decomposition (16mm), Artist Film Workshop, Melbourne, Australia
    (OCT) Embodied Knowing (16mm), NGBE Gallery, Melbourne, Australia
    (SEP) Dogmilk Degustations (16mm), Analysis Paralysis, Miscellania, Melbourne, Australia
    91 Cycles Bloom, FORTHEART For The Earth, Melbourne, Australia

    Downstream, Lift-Off Film Festival 2020, New York, New York
    Downstream, Lift-Off Film Festival 2020, Tokyo, Japan

    20th Century Evolution, Exposure and Capture Photography Prizes, Geelong, Australia



(JAN)    Before During
                    17’ 50”    -    16mm
(MAR)   It Has Me By The Throat And I Am The Fingerprint
                    18’ 34”    -    16mm
(MAR)   The Battery Of Inquest
                    25’        -    16mm Expanded Cinema  


(FEB)    Embodied Knowing
                     11’ 26”     -     16mm   
(MAY)    What Resists Persists
                     10’ 47”    -    16mm
(JUN)    Zero Pixel
                     25’ 23”     -    16mm Expanded Cinema       
(JUN)    The Critical Component of The Motors Momento
                     24’ 42”     -    16mm Expanded Cinema
                     5’ 21”      -     16mm


(FEB)     Haze 
                     3’ 01”     -     16mm
(MAY)    Thought Reformed
                     3’ 48”     -     16mm
(JUL)     In An Effort To Redefine Myself
             I Am Left  Staring Into Unsolvable Air (TWO)
                     2’ 43”     -     Super 8
(AUG)    Between Two Bodies
                     7’ 45”     -     16mm
(OCT)    Analysis Paralysis
                      14’ 45”    -    16mm
(DEC)    Recomposing Decomposition
                     11’ 14”     -     16mm


(JUN)     In An Effort To Redefine Myself
             I Am Left  Staring Into Unsolvable Air (ONE)
                     2’ 34”     -     Super 8                   
(JUL)     Intention
                     1’ 54”     -     16mm
(AUG)    Involuntarily Resigned
                     1’ 52”     -     16mm        
(SEP)     91 Cycles Bloom 
                     1’ 39”     -     Super 8
(OCT)    House Arrest
                     1’ 11”  
(NOV)    Societies Cement
                     2’ 31”     -     16mm


(MAY)     Whistling Flocks
                      3’ 28”    -    16mm

Return Home

  • Film Light Sculpture
  •    16mm Film, LED lights, steel

12 June 2024
These works highlight the essential components of analog film: its physical substance, the images it captures, the memories it evokes, and the creative labor invested by artists in the image-making process.
Light plays a crucial role throughout the analog image-making process, and these sculptures serve as a sculptural returning home for the film material. They illuminate spaces, evoke memories, and ultimately stand as beautiful objects.

The Battery Of Inquest

  • Expanded Cinema Performance
  •    16mm Film, Film Sculpture, live sound, 5 analog projectors

28 March 2024
This Expanded Cinema work was made on a 2 month solo Artist Residency at Baltic Analog Lab in Riga, Latvia.

The ‘battery’ is the charge in which brings the entirety of this analog work meshes together.

The ‘inquest’ is the answers he found to the questions he hadn’t asked.

When I Look Up All I See Is...

  • Film Sculpture
  •    Mixed Materials, 16mm Film & Projector

06 October 2023
I see, therefore I feel. 
I lay down, therefore I look up.

When I look up all I see is ceiling tiles electrogalvanized cold rolled steel substrate environmental systems expansion joints exposed grid systems bevel edge light emitting diodes access breathe splines vents hook tees.

Opportunities arise from the weight of material matter. Mass is important as a value of worth. Mass is interpretable wherever the mind leads, whatever the mind sees, however it feels.

When I look up I see opportunity. I see an opportunity to move forward. Mass falls on my mind, I am still, moving parallel to the stillness of material. Aliveness is considered, re-interpretation strikes. 
Modular grid systems as still as anything in current form beg to be modulated. Modularity of a system in place exists only to expand thought and act on it.

Material does not exist to be single faceted. It requires perception and materialises in action of interpretation. I strip layers of the material, to look beneath the surface to see farther than the first conception of the idea the material displays to me. When I break it down and remove the layers it speaks to me and a re-birth begins to eventuate through action.

The material used in this artwork would be deemed land-fill had it not inhabited the land mass in my mind. 

The Dust And Its Settling

  • Sculpture
  •     mild steel, acrylic paint

01 October 2023

Material Matters

  • Film Sculpture & Performance
  •     Mild Steel, 16mm Film, 16mm Film Projector

08 September 2023

Two Sec

  • Film Sculpture
  •     Mild Steel, Resin, 16mm Film, Plexi Glass
29 August 2023

One Sec

  • Film Sculpture
  •     Mild Steel, Resin, 16mm Film, Plexi Glass

18 August 2023

The Critical Component Of The Motors Momento

  • Film Sculpture Performance

24 May 2023

Analysis Paralysis

  • Film Sculpture
  •   Resin, 16mm Film, Plexi Glass, Aluminum
13 September 2022

Analysis Paralysis

  • 16mm Film
          Seeks to construct and subsequently deconstruct the connection and  juxtaposition between human perceptions and the relationship it holds to individual moments. 

13 September 2023